Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.5, no.11 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 5, Issue 11

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Opportunities Offered tn Hospital Dietetics
( 2017-04-07) Magee, Grace ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

An outstanding opportunity that the hospital offers our college girl is that of placing herself. There are few positions that depend more on personal initiative and ability to select the things of importance. Because hospital dietetics has not been so standardized and conventionalized the girl has an opportunity to find her niche herself and the chances are about equal for progress or retrogression.

The Heart of the Home
( 2017-04-07) Jones, Frances ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Ever since you first hung your stockings before the glowing fire and went up to bed excitedly confident that Santa Claus would come down the chimney before morning, bringing a doll and a red sled, the fireplace has been a symbol of comfort and happiness. Some of us have grown up from Santa Claus, but the good cheer, hospitality and romance have become as much a part of the fireplace as the bricks or the tiles themselves.

The Designer---Her Place
( 2017-04-07) Dahl, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

One wonders who it is that decides the type of clothes that we wear each season. It is the designer.

Marketing as a Business Proposition
( 2017-04-07) Blinks, Ruetta ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

A homemaker with the permanent idea in view of "making a home happy" will need to be versed along several lines to make this vocation successful. A housewife who tries to feed her family on a highly nutritive diet and yet on an economic basis will necessarily need a knowledge of marketing. We take it for granted that most housewives can passably prepare a meal, but can they economically purchase the food needed?

Selecting Your Spring Wardrobe
( 2017-04-07) Barker, Betty ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

In the spring a young girl's fancy often turns to thoughts or clothes." So might the well-known quotation run, and be very appropriate for today with the shops filled to over-flowing with intriguing frocks, and the windows a mad riot of color, it would be an unnatural girl who would not be interested.
