Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.17, no.1 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 17, Issue 1

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The Musical Palette Expresses Color, Harmony and Mood
( 2017-05-22) Evans, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

"Music begins where speech leaves off," a great English poet once said. Isn't it essential that each of us have a speaking acquaintance with this art which adds so much richness to life?

The Iowa Homemaker vol.16, no.8
( 2017-05-22) Fischer, Barbara ; Miller, Helen ; Johnson, Beth ; Carroll, Gaynold ; Schenk, Peggy ; Gauley, Mildred ; Ingle, Doris ; Danielson, Faithe ; Younkin, Ida ; Buchanan, Mae ; Griffith, Gwen ; Starrak, Gay ; Cummings, Beth ; Helser, Jane ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Billy Eats, Sleeps and Plays by Barbara Fischer, page 2

Foods for Gods from the Buffet by Helen Miller, page 3

Swing Into Spring! by Beth Johnson, page 4

Color Passports to Spring by Gaynold Carroll, page 5

Teachers Reveal Pets and Peeves by Peggy Schenk, page 6

Awearin’ the Green by Mildred Gauley, page 7

Table Shamrocks by Doris Ingle, page 7

What’s New in Home Economics, page 8

News in the Mail from Graduates by Faithe Danielson, page 10

Glad-irons Replace Sad-irons by Ida Ruth Younkin, page 11

Children Around the World by Mae Louise Buchanan, page 11

Behind Bright Jackets, page 12

Hopes in a Chest by Gwen Griffith, page 13

Spring Inventory by Gay Starrak, page 14

French Cookery Puzzles by Beth Cummings, page 16

Wear Polished Nails by Jane Helser, page 17

Pleasure With Practice
( 2017-05-22) Rannells, Florence ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Supervised teaching is not dreaded by home economics education majors as it formerly was. Under the plan inaugurated this year, Miss Beatrice Olson, Iowa State College, faculty supervisor at Story City, and the supervised teachers there, live in the community under conditions which approach as nearly as possible the situation in which a teacher finds herself when she begins her real work. This plan has aroused additional interest in teaching.

How Many Wish a Soft and Gentle Voice?
( 2017-05-22) Younkin, Ida ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

No, not all of us can have Franklin D. Roosevelt voices, but we can avoid the Casper Milquetoast type!

Mr. Eligible Bachelor Asserts, "Men Crave Real Food!"
( 2017-05-22) Bernds, Marie ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

On the Iowa State campus is one who personifies the perfect male. His name cannot be divulged; his popularity with the opposite sex has already reached a high enough peak that any added publicity would increase the number of his feminine admirers to unmanageable amounts.
