Journal Issue:
Volume 41 Issue 5 Ethos: Volume 1995, Issue 1

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Someone to talk to
( 2016-06-27) Luchtel, Ahnalee ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Stress and depression are no strangers to college students. But unfortunately, help often is a stranger. Students who need someone to talk to - about practically anything - might think they have nowhere to turn.

Where is the Outrage?
( 2016-06-27) Miller, Chris ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The Rev. Jon Seda is the acting pastor of Ames' St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. He is active in the pro-life movement and recently expressed his views in an Iowa State Daily letter to the editor. In his letter, Seda stated that there are similarities to the abortion controversy and the recent public outrage over Susan Smith's alleged murder of her young children. The letter prompted many replies from Iowa State students.

Veishea highlights education
( 2016-06-27) Wing, Jennifer ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

To reemphasize the theme of education, the Veishea Open House Committee is attempting to incorporate open houses into the classrooms on Veishea Friday.

Front Lines
( 2016-06-27) Deutsch, Blaine ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm nearing that stage of my life called "the real world." Unfortunately for me, this part will not by sponsored by MTV. I will not be supplied with a furnished studio apartment or all expense paid trips to the Bahamas. Instead, I'll be given a diploma and three words of encouragement: "Good luck kid !" From that point onward, my life is in my hands. It's up to me to find a job, pay insurance and scout out the best Sunday softball league. The craziest part of this all is the fact that I'm not worried about it. Well ... not any more at least.

The After-College Search
( 2016-06-27) Drost, Rhonda ; Dougherty, Darcy ; Schroeder, Jen ; Holland, Jennifer ; Waller, Becky ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

What's that? A light at the end of the tunnel! It's been four long years (or is that five years? Six?) and you are ready to graduate . But to get to that light, you have to be on the tracks. That means resumes, cover letters, internships, job searches and treks to the career services office. Got it together? Turn the page and let ethos help.
