Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.26, no.2 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 26, Issue 2

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Albino rats get in on the ground floor
( 2017-07-24) Waterland, Margaret ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

One year in the life of a rat is equal to 30 years of human life. Over 600 of these animals are spending their lifetime in the ground floor of the Home Economics Building.

Guatemala may provide Home Economics Classroom
( 2017-07-24) Hochriem, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Home economists may soon study at Iowa State's new tropical research center in Antigua, Guatemala. While the plans at present are neither specific nor definite, the program will offer, when fully developed, opportunities for study and research by outstanding home economics seniors and graduate students in addition to the project of corn research in charge of Dr. I. E. Melhus of the Department of Botany.

"I Have a Dozen Bosses"
( 2017-07-24) Callahan, Genevieve ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

As a free lance writer, Miss Genevieve Callahan, '20, highlights her career of meeting deadlines

Blanche Pederson Interviews An Aussie Bride
( 2017-07-24) Pederson, Blanche ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Tea time might be anytime at the apartment home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. Smith the young brie of a discharged army officer who is now a student in agricultural education at Iowa State, is an Australian born. "And," they say, "we both do like tea."

Report from Athens
( 2017-07-24) Kelleher, Joan ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Last Month, Mrs. Bernice Brown of the Statistics Laboratory visited this Greek family and found them glowing in clothing sent from Ames. Alexis, the father, attended a London conference in an army uniform sent by Alvin Coons of the Department of Economics and Sociology.
