Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.11, no.5 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 11, Issue 5

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( 2017-05-09) Kirstein, Virginia ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Br-r-r! The alarm! And you've planned to study for an hour before breakfast! But no, you just can't wake up, and how can you ever remember a paragraph until that 8 o'clock?

Weigh What You Wish...
( 2017-05-09) Martin, Betty ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Yes, we sit and laugh at the plight of a fleshy person running to catch a street care on a hot day. And the sight of a fat man toiling up the street with a large white handkerchief tucked around his collar, framing a moist ,bright red face, gives us a complacent, thankful feeling that we are not in the same condition.

The Art of Boiling Potatoes...
( 2017-05-09) Rock, Pearl ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Do you know how to boil potatoes? Judging from the results which most housewives have, it would seem that very few do. A boiled potato should be soft all through, dry and mealy, never waxy and hard or soggy with water. Potatoes should never be allowed to stand in water for very long after they are peeled. They should be cooked in unsalted boiling water until they are soft in the center. Every drop of water should then be drained off them, and salt sprinkled over them. The lid should be left off the sauce pan a moment so that the potatoes can dry thoroughly.

Girls' 4-H Club
( 2017-05-09) Austin, Clara ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The fall "get-acquainted" part of the Campus 4-H Club was held in the Fireplace Room in Home Economics Hall Friday, Sept. 25. Thirty-three counties and the state of Minnesota were represented.

This Is Station WOI...
( 2017-05-09) Lovrien, Ruth ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

I always plan to do my outdoor work early in the morning, so that I may be in the house by ten o'clock, time to tune in on the 'Homemakers' Half Hour from station WOI, radio broadcasting station of Iowa State College.
