Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.20, no.4 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 20, Issue 4

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Behind Scenes in Package Designing
( 2017-07-17) Hawbecker, Maurine ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Maurine Hawbecker discovers that commercial designers practice art theories in packaging

Make Yours Different
( 2017-07-17) Hakes, Jane ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Delight your friends by making their gifts and original wrappings suggests Jane Hakes

Wrap Your Table in Christmas Glamour
( 2017-07-17) Mason, Nancy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Increase festivity of the Christmas dinner with gay decorations, prescribes Nancy Mason

The Iowa Homemaker vol.20, no.4
( 2017-07-17) Hague, Peg ; Conquest, Dorothy ; Hakes, Jane ; Halpin, Ida ; Roost, Dorothy ; Cooper, Esther ; Mason, Nancy ; Cooley, Kathryn ; Kubacky, Helen ; Weigman, Janice ; Hawbecker, Maurene ; Thomas, Marjorie ; Daley, Virginia ; Simpson, Betty ; Jesnen, Ruth ; Hayes, Patricia ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Christmas Thoughts, Peg Hague, page 1

Psychology in the World of Color, Dorothy Lee Conquest, page 2

Make Yours Different, Jane Hakes, page 3

Vacation Beckons You to Entertain, Ida Halpin, page 4

Light the Holiday Spirit, Dorothy Anne Roost, page 6

Thoughts on Reading, Miss Esther Cooper, page 8

Wrap Your Table in Christmas Glamour, Nancy Mason, page 9

Yuletide Calls for Frivolity, Kathryn Cooley, page 10

What’s New in Home Economics, Helen Kubacky, page 12

Greetings Express You, Janice Weigman, page 14

Behind Scenes in Package Designing, Maurene Hawbecker, page 15

Behind Bright Jackets, Marjorie Thomas, page 16

We Suggest, Virginia Daley, page 18

Alums in the News, Betty Simpson, page 19

From Journalistic Spindles, Ruth Jensen, page 23

They Eat Beneath the Sea, Patricia Hayes, page 24

Light the Holiday Spirit
( 2017-07-17) Roost, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Cloak your home in Christmas gaiety with the help of Dorothy Anne Roost who offers tips on combining lights with designs and color
