Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 1, Issue 11

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You Can't Afford Flies?
( 1947-05-01) Gunderson, Harold ; Abbott, Lyle ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

One good job of spraying the barn with DDT will last for the whole season. But that's only one step toward making your farm fly-free.

Iowa Farm Science Vol. 1, No. 11
( 1947-05-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications
2, 4-D for Which Weeds?
( 1947-05-01) Bakke, A. ; Sylwester, E. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

That new weed-killer, 2,4-D, is good. But it's not perfect. It will kill some weeds all right, but not all of them. We are learning by careful tests on which ones it works and on which it doesn't.

Cover Crops Help Save Soil
( 1947-05-01) Wilson, H. ; Browning, G. ; Peterson, J. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Cover crops are used to cover and protect the soil. They cover the ground when the regular crop doesn't- usually during the late fall and early spring. Growing cover crops will reduce soil and water losses. Cover crops help after they are plowed under too. The tops and roots of the plants furnish organic matter to the soil when plowed down. If the cover corp contains a legume, some nitrogen is added to the soil.

Make Yours a Model Kitchen
( 1947-05-01) Shank, Naomi ; Hurley, Candace ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Let's take a look at your three-meal-a-day workshop.
