Journal Issue:
Bulletin: Volume 2, Issue 14

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Reports of entomological work
( 2017-07-17) Osborn, Herbert ; Gossard, H. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

On the evening of the twenty-third of May many small dark brown moths were noticed flying about a clover field upon the College Farm. They were resting upon the blossoms and among the leaves and upon being disturbed would fly a few paces and then settle again. These moths proved upon examination to be Grapholitha intersinctana, Clemens, the parent forms of the Clover-Seed Caterpillar mentioned in the Entomologist’s report to the Commissioner of Agriculture in 1880. We had during the past winter received specimens of clover-seed which we suspected of being some of the states east of us in the last year or two, and the moths are remembered as occurring here in numbers some eight or ten years ago, but they were not at that time connected with any damage observed in clover fields.

An aphthous affection among dairy cows of the state
( 2017-07-17) Stalker, M. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The following is an extract made from a report sent to the Governor’s office a few days ago, concerning a disease which has recently appeared on a number of farms in the eastern and southern counties of the state.

Effect of feed upon the quality of milk
( 2017-07-17) Wilson, James ; Patrick, G. ; Kent, D. ; Curtiss, C. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The teachings of some of our prominent agricultural chemists upon this subject— teachings which have received wide circulation only so recently that they will be new to most of our readers— may be stated as follows:

First, In general— that while quantity of milk is largely dependent upon the kind of feed consumed, quality (i. e. composition) is almost independent of it; in other words that the quality of milk cannot be materially changed by varying the kind or composition of the feed.

Second, In detail— that neither the percentage of fat nor o f total solids in the milk is materially influenced by the kind or the composition of feed consumed; that these percentages are fixed by the constitution or individuality of each animal, and so firmly fixed that to change them to any considerable extent and for any length of time, by feeding, is impossible.

A feeding experiment for milk
( 2017-07-17) Wilson, James ; Patrick, G. ; Curtiss, C. ; Eaton, E. ; Kent, D. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

This Feeding experiment indicates that corn meal fed with corn fodder, or corn ensilage, results in the more rapid decrease of milk, and its fat, and solids, than the advance in the period of lactation justifies.

That corn meal fed with sorghum ensilage results in very rapid decrease in milk, and milk fat and solids, and that the combination is not profitable.

That corn meal fed with roots and clover hay is palatable and gives good results, without considering the cost of feeds, that was not normal during the experiment.

Front matter
( 2017-07-17) Extension and Experiment Station Publications