Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 2, Issue 7

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Farm Outlook for 1948
( 1948) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Iowa farm families face another good year. Demand for farm products in 1948 seems likely to be about as strong as during 1947.

More Pigs with Alfalfa Meal
( 1948) Catron, Damon ; Culbertson, C. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Alfalfa meal or ground alfalfa hay can help keep down "little pig" costs in feeding sows this winter and spring.

Test Your Seed
( 1948) Sylwester, E. ; Isely, Duane ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

You can't grow a good crop without good seed. And right now a lot of people in the world can't afford a poor crop on your farm- even if you can.

The Family Looks at '48
( 1948) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Chances are your pocketbook won'tbe quite as full of ready cash for family living in 1948 as in 1947. Total farm income remains high. But family incomes are even less uniform than usual. Lots of families-where ccrops were hit hard- will have much less income.

Be Ready for Corn Borers
( 1948) Gunderson, Harold ; Blickenstaff, C. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Will corn borers be bad in 1948? No one knows. But there will be corn borers, we can be sure. Just how much damage they do will depend partly on what we do about them.
