Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.26, no.3 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 26, Issue 3

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Vicky Unpacks Her School Wardrobe
( 2017-07-24) Soldat, Breta ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Vicky, the typical Iowa State coed, with a couple of years of experience tucked under her wide, bright belt, is back with a trunkful of new fashions and a few helpful suggestions to give freshmen women the right start and to keep everyone posted on what's new in the fashion world.

Coeds Reflect Personalities In Their College Homes
( 2017-07-24) Meyer, Irene ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Roommates combine their talents with new ideas to decorate the rooms described by Irene Meyer

Survey Discloses Why Freshmen Gain Weight
( 2017-07-24) Baker, Nancy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

If you're a typical freshman, you'll gain 8 and a half pounds this year. Last year's freshman women gained from 2 to 25 pounds according to a dormitory survey.

Letter to Freshmen
( 2017-07-24) Iowa State University Digital Repository

Dear Freshman:

If I were a freshman again, I'd go for a walk over the campus seeing its beauty as if for the first time. A tingle of pride would sweep over me as I realized that this college, with one of the most beautiful campuses in the world, was mine, holding out to me the genius of a new world of fun, of study and friendships and a lifelong supply of memories.

Manners- the You That Shows
( 2017-07-24) Kilty, Joan ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Joan Kilty reports that faculty members believe kindness and unselfishness underlie social and classroom courtesy
