Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 7, Issue 12

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Oaks Dying? Check for Oak Wilt
( 1953-06-01) Bragonier, W. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Oak wilt is known to be established in 59 Iowa counties. But extensive losses can be prevented. This article tells of the disease itself, what research is now being done, and, most important of all, what we can do right now.

Field Cure, Barn Cure or Make Silage?
( 1953-06-01) Bivens, Gordon ; Beneke, Raymond ; Barger, Gerald ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Field-cured hay often is rain-damaged-increasing field losses and cutting protein and carotene content. You may want to use improved harvesting methods to reduce such losses. If so, here are the alternatives and what to consider.

Plan Ahead for a Water System
( 1953-06-01) Liston, Margaret ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Nearly half of Iowa's farm families still are without runnign water on their farms. If you have running water, you're fortunate; if you don't, figure out where and how a water system fits into your family goals. Here are some of the things you may want to think about in making your plans.

Iowa Children Need Better Breakfasts
( 1953-06-01) Sidwell, Virginia ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Most Iowa school children don't have good breakfasts- nor do they make up what they "miss" in other daily meals. Solution: Pay a little more attention to what your child eats for breakfast and include certain essentials.

Farm Outlook
( 1953-06-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Hogs are up in price and cattle down compared with a year ago. The reason is wrapped up in the changed slaughter pattern. This is the main story of our three outlook charts this month.
