Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.7, no.1 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 7, Issue 1

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The Iowa Homemaker vol.7, no.1
( 2017-04-18) Turner, Marcia ; Marnette, Margaret ; Norton, Della ; Morgan, Ethel ; Moser, Mary ; Baur, Eleanor ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Table of Contents

Modern Dress – Controversial Article, page 1

What’s In a Name? by Marcia E. Turner, page 2

Helps for the Spring Market Basket by Margaret L. Marnette, page 3

Lacquer for Ktichen Tables by Della J. Norton, page 3

A Pressure or a Fireless Cooker – Which? by Ethel Cessna Morgan, page 4

4-H Page, page 6

Iowa State Home Economics Association Page, page 8

News Notes, page 10

Editorial, page 11

Who’s There and Where, page 12

The Children’s Hour by Mary E. Moser, page 14

Hammer, Saw, Paint Brush and Nerve by Eleanor Baur, page 15

Had Your Iron Today?, page 16

The Children's Hour
( 2017-04-18) Moser, Mary ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Every child should become familiar with books and get his literary inspiration in the home. A good reading foundation can be laid in his childhood days, for it is then that he wants to be entertained, to have special attention, and to be informed on all kinds of subjects. These sources may be utilized to create a love for literature thru pictures, storytelling and reading.

Girls' 4-H Club
( 2017-04-18) Iowa State University Digital Repository

"Seems that I shall always be connected with 4-H club work in some form or another," says Beulah Rodgers, of Mahaska County. For five years Beulah has been in club work proper and for four years more has been connected with it. She has a record of which any 4-H girl would be proud . In 1922-23 Beulah was president of the county organization and her county won the silver loving cup for the best Home Economics Exhibit at the State Fair in 1922. lt was at this State Fair that Beulah was elected president of the State 4-H Girls' Clubs for 1922-23.

Hammer, Saw, Paint Brush and Nerve
( 2017-04-18) Baur, Eleanor ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Elaine, what have you done to this house?" I asked as I removed my hat and gloves. We were standing in the transformed guest room, but the glimpses I had had as we passed showed that the transformation had extended to the other rooms as well. "Behold the miracle wrought by saw, hammer, paint brush, nerve--and a husband," laughed Elaine, and together we toured the made-over rooms. "Anyone could do it."

What's in a Name?
( 2017-04-18) Turner, Marcia ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

I met her one day in the post office and as we smilingly advanced toward each other I wildly grasped through my mental regions for her name. Just as our hands met, there broke what I took to be a happy gleam of light and I exclaimed, "Why, how do you do, Mrs. Taylor?" Did I imagine it, or was her handclasp indifferent and did I detect a subtle chill in her manner? I had been most attracted by her when we were introduced a week or so before, and she had apparently responded to my friendliness. But now-horrors! What had I called her? Her name is Mrs. Tucker, not Mrs. Taylor. How stupid of me! But then, of course, if she is the sort of person who becomes offended over little things, it is just as well I discovered it. By this time I had taken the letters from the box, and there on the very first one, for the thousandth time, some clumsy imbecile had addressed me as "Marie". Just as often it is "Maria". Now, both of those are perfectly good names, and I dare say I should bear either one or both proudly if they were mine- but that is just the point- they aren't mine, and I insist that I prefer to be called by my own name.
