Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 40, Issue 3

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Knees are News
( 2017-08-16) Strang, Barbara ; Post, Doris ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Knees are news this fall as fashion's fickle hemline rises to dizzy heights. The shorter skirts not only barely skim the kneecap but in casual sportswear even creep above it.

Being Your Best...
( 2017-08-16) Lange, Madeline ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

"I dare you to be your own self at your very best all the time," said the late William H. Danforth, founder of the Ralston-Purina Company of St. Louis, Missouri. This was the challenge presented to me and 47 other members of Phi Upsilon Omicron, home economics professional honorary. We were selected by the deans of our state universities to take part in the month-long Danforth Fellowship.

The Iowa Homemaker vol.40, no.3
( 2017-08-16) Muckenheirn, Mary ; Lange, Madeline ; Beecher, Beth ; Noid, Sylvia ; Strang, Barbara ; Post, Doris ; Swann, Marjean ; Anderson, Patty ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The Green Will Fade, Mary Ellen Muckenhirn, page 4

Being Your Best, Madeline Lange, page 5

New Faces in Home Economics, Beth Beecher, page 6

Touchdown or Touchback?, Sylvia Noid, page 8

Knees are News, Barbara Strang, Doris Post, page 8

Beauty Prescription, Marjean Swann, page 11

What’s Going On?, Patty Anderson, page 14

Touchdown or Touchback?
( 2017-08-16) Noid, Sylvia ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

How do you rate as a football date? Could you explain "wild card substitution" or what happens when there is a touchback?

Beauty Prescription
( 2017-08-16) Swann, Marjean ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

A "freckle remover" of one part cucumber juice plus two parts vinegar was recommended to Grandmother. Then, as now, the problem of keeping skin fresh and clear troubled young women.
