Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.3, no.7 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 3, Issue 7

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Home Economics Cleans House-Division Ready for New Year
( 2017-03-31) Richardson, Anna ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

I wish every one of you could have been here to welcome the fine group of women, faculty and students, who have come to us this fall, for it gives one the inspiration to do a year's work which will count as nothing else quite can. I feel sure the College has never had a more splendid group of young people, and to welcome them, more than a thousand in number, with over three hundred and fifty who come to us for the first time, is a rare privilege.

Work Creed for Women
( 2017-03-31) Drake Gill, Laura ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

I believe that every woman needs a skilled occupation developed to the degree of possible self-support.

Sheppard-Towner Bill
( 2017-03-31) Miller Herd, Lois ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The Sheppard-Towner Bill is known officially as "an act for the promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy for other purposes".

Alice Mann's Three Years in the Desert
( 2017-03-31) Iowa State University Digital Repository

Sleepless nights, while violent desert winds tore at her four-room portable bungalow; walking guided by the stars; waking before dawn to watch the mysterious desert mirage; sleeping under starlit skies, often alone, with dangerous "side-winders" (snakes) about and coyotes barking in the distance; all these were the experiences of an Iowa State graduate, Miss Alice Mann, '90, who tells of her three years homesteading in California on her desert claim.

Who's There and Where
( 2017-03-31) Iowa State University Digital Repository

Miss Mable Campbell, a former graduate of Iowa State who is now with the federal board for vocational education was in Ames during the first summer session and took up special problems for state supervisors and teacher trainers at the home economics vocational conference. Previous to her work with the federal board, Miss Campbell was state supervisor of home economics in Colorado and was later in charge of teacher training in the University of Kentucky. Dean Richardson who was chief of the home economics service of the federal board before coming to Iowa State chose Miss Campbell after looking all over the country for the woman for the position.
