Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.14, no.7 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 14, Issue 7

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Roast by Any Name Would Smack as Good
( 2017-05-16) Warburton, Therese ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Sirloin steak was nothing but a slab of meat until an English king dubbed it Knight Sir Loin! The legend goes that the king went on a hunting trip in Epping Forest, as was his custom. He returned very late for dinner, literally starved. When he entered the dining room and saw on the table a huge loin of beef, steaming hot, he was so delighted that he exclaimed in the King's English, "By George, it shall have a title!" He drew his sword, raised it above the meat, and cried with mock dignity, "Loin, we dub thee knight-henceforth be Sir Loin." And ever since it has been sirloin.

The Iowa Homemaker vol.14, no.7
( 2017-05-16) Clemons, Helen ; Griffin, Marjorie ; Harms, Eva ; Prouty, Gretchen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Consumer Protection… By Helen Clemons

A Tough Spot… By Marjorie Griffin

Party Clothes for Foods… By Eva Harms

For Financial Leaks… By Gretchen Prouty

The Union Offers Party Clothes for Plain Foods
( 2017-05-16) Conard, Orrine ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Add a dash of differentness! Don't be the housewife who just cooks the same old thing in the same old way, day in and day out. Cease to wonder why your children like to dine at the neighbors and why your husband prefers a restaurant or cafeteria to your own dinner table. Take a tip from said public dining room.

New Englanders Bake Beans for 10 Hours
( 2017-05-16) Acklin, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Yes, the large restaurants and hotels serve almost the same food all over the country. But what do the ordinary people (the butchers, bakers and candlestick makers) eat in Maine, Utah, or Mississippi?

Spotlight Over Washington
( 2017-05-16) Hoppe, Alberta ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Columnist's note: The Homemaker has sent me, a reporter, to the top of Washington Monument from which point of vantage, I train my spotlight on the city below and country roundabout, picking out the bits of Washington news of special interest to Home Economics.
