Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.7 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 21, Issue 7

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The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.7
( 2017-07-18) Feik, Marijean ; Koebel, Ann ; Jebson, Marghetta ; Tidemanson, Catherine ; McCray, Doris ; Olson, Dorothy ; McMahon, Pauline ; Williamson, Lila ; Iverson, Betty ; Roth, Betty ; Thomas, Marjorie ; Wendel, Julie ; Clark, Margaret ; Simpson, Bette ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Spreads, Marijean Feik, page 1

Exam Checks on Seniors, Ann Koebel, page 2

Home Demonstration Proves Its Worth, Marghetta Jebson, page 3

Knit and Save, Catherine Tidemanson, page 4

Skills Enter Free Lancing, Doris McCray, page 5

What’s New in Home Economics, Dorothy Olson, page 6

Midseason Sparkle for Sally, Pauline McMahon, page 8

Departmental Highlights, Lila Williamson, page 10

Visual Education Gains Scope, Betty Ann Iverson, page 12

Ingenuity Saves Cosmetics, Betty Roth, page 13

Across Alumnae Desks, Marjorie Thomas, page 14

Bookmarks, Julie Wendel, page 15

Women’s Day, Margaret Anne Clark, page 16

Alums in the News, Bette Simpson, page 17

Midseason Sparkle for Sally
( 2017-07-18) McMahon, Pauline ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Sally will wear evening dresses with bouffant skirts this season, predicts Pauline McMahon

Ingenuity Saves Cosmetics
( 2017-07-18) Roth, Betty ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

American women need not cast such wary glances at their supply of cosmetics, in spite of the fact that many of the constituents are needed for defense production. There are adequate substitutes for these materials which are vital to preparation of explosives and other war supplies at present.

Exam Checks on Seniors
( 2017-07-18) Koebel, Ann ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Faults in spelling and diction are found most common in senior English test, says Ann Koebel

Home Demonstration Proves Its Worth
( 2017-07-18) Jebson, Marghetta ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Ingenuity is a prerequisite for home demonstration work, says Marghetta Jebson, '32, agent for Greene County
