Journal Issue:
Spring 2014 Ethos: Volume 2014, Issue 3

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Football Returns Home
( 2015-05-29) Haffar, Andreas ; Breen, Stephanie ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

On March 7, 2003, the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) announced that one of the greatest spectacles on the globe would be on the soil of a country that lives, breathes and ultimately loves the beautiful game of football (soccer)—Brazil. Every four years, more than 200 nations strive to reach the finals, and only 32 teams get to compete on the big stage known simply as the World Cup. The players have the opportunity to display their abilities while at the same time, represent their respective homes. This summer marks the 20th FIFA World Cup.

Hail to ISU
( 2015-05-29) Gilman, Abby ; Yoon, Mitchell ; Achenbach, Brian ; Zabel, Liz ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Seniors Abby Gilman, Melvin Ejim, and Szuyin Leow reflect on their experiences at Iowa State University.

150 Years of the Unexpected
( 2015-05-29) Vipond, Rachel ; Collins, Alexandra ; Mayfield, Rahemma ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Believe it or not, our beloved college town had humble beginnings. Containing only 12 blocks and 844 residents when it was incorporated in 1870, Ames now has 58,965 residents including ISU students. In 1864, Ames was chosen as a location for a station stop for the Cedar Rapids and Missouri Railroads. Ames was named by the railroad president for his friend Oakes Ames, who never actually visited the town. The Hub, now a favorite spot for coffee or a quick sandwich, was then a bookstore and waiting area for the Ames College Railway, which connected the town to the college campus. Ames turns 150 this year and quite a few interesting things have happened here—maybe more than you’d expect.

How Smart People Do It
( 2015-05-29) Schon, Traer ; Vipond, Rachel ; Erickson, Shelby ; Tawil, Suhaib ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Studying is like puberty: everyone has to go through it at some point, but that doesn’t make it any more fun. We all know the feeling—it’s late at night, you’re falling asleep, but you’re still trying to feign interest in your surprisingly challenging Geology 101 book. It feels like you’re reading the same sentence over and over. It feels like you’re reading the same sentence over and over. Luckily, studying doesn’t have to be this way. We’ve put together a few unique studying techniques that will help you ace your tests without killing your soul.

The Truth About Feminism
( 2015-05-29) Buckowing, Ashley ; Eilers, Becky ; Zabel, Liz ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Thee person sitting next to you in class, the girl sharing your booth at the Hub, a man sitting across the table from you at Parks Library and your professor in Civil Engineering—all of these people can be feminists. A woman who takes pride in being a female or a man that wants his girlfriend to make the same amount of money that he does can be a feminist.
