Journal Issue:
Teacher supply and demand in home economics in Iowa, 1935-1941 Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station Research Bulletin: Volume 27, Issue 335

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Teacher supply and demand in home economics in Iowa, 1935-1941
( 2017-06-07) Chadderdon, Hester ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Fifteen Iowa colleges and universities prepared 1,051 students to meet the state requirements for teaching home economics in the secondary schools between 1935 and 1941. The number prepared in 1940 was 74.7 percent greater than in 1935.

Slightly over three-fourths (76.3 percent) gave some service to Iowa high schools. The percentages going into teaching in the state from the different institutions varied from 33 to 100.

Of 271 not teaching in the secondary schools of Iowa immediately after c9mpleting their preparation, 100 taught in other states or at other school levels. Eighty-eight students taught outside Iowa the first year whereas 183 were residents of other states or countries during their time in college.
