Journal Issue:
Farm Science Reporter: Volume 3, Issue 4

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Stretching Our Meat Supply
( 1942-10-01) Hettler, Frances ; Burnham, Mary ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Meatless days and rationing may be “just around the corner,” but they need be no hardship for the American homemaker. Her only question will be “ What alternates will supply the same food value as meat?”

Pheasants Take the Blitz
( 1942-10-01) Baskett, Thomas ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

If two out of every five of their nests are successful, pheasants have had an extremely favorable spring and summer. Only a third to a fourth of the nests customarily hatch. And out of the nests that succeed, ah average of five of the little pheasants die before they reach shooting age.

Light Up the Hen House
( 1942-10-01) Kelly, Joseph ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

If I use lights in the hen house will I get more eggs? That question is being pondered by a lot of Iowa farm folk. Most of them have more layers than in past years. They want to make them produce badly needed food to aid the Food for Freedom war effort as well as to boost the family income.

Farm Science Reporter Vol. 3 No. 4
( 1942-10-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications
( 1942-10-01) Peterson, Elizabeth ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

These are days when nothing can be wasted. Materials are scarce, time is precious, and energy is at a premium. Every member of every family must cooperate if rationing of clothing is to be avoided.
