Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 1, Issue 1

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Ear Corn Silage Pays
( 1946-07-01) Culbertson, C. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Farmers who are caught with immature corn can still feed cattle by making ear corn silage out of their high-moisture corn. That's the principal conclusion we have reached from our 1945-46 cattle feeding tests.

The Spotlight is on Farm Income
( 1946-07-01) Howell, H. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Do you know why your 1945 farm income was either higher or lower than in 1944?

How Family Income Affects Food Purchases
( 1946-07-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The charts on this page provide you with a quick picture of the structure of consumer demand for food products.They are based on two nationwide surveys made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Interviewers of the Bureau questioned housewives in a representative sample of families living in cities of 2,500 and over.

Iowa Farm Science Vol. 1, No. 1
( 1946-07-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications
Check Mastitis "Bugs"
( 1946-07-01) Packer, R. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Mastitis is considerd the most costly disease of dairy cows. When there is a flare-up in the udder, resulting in a gargetty or bloody milk, not only is there a loss of the milk, but there is the far more costly possibility of losing a part or all of the udder. Furthermore, it often doesn'nt stop with the first cow, but may spread through the herd.
