Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 38, Issue 6

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Meet the German People
( 2017-08-15) Cruickshank, Sandra ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Germany... America... so alike and yet so different. For two months this summer I lived with a family in Germany under the Experiment in International Living, a program based on the conviction that personal relationships between people are the foundation for international understanding.

I Was A Househusband For Nine Months
( 2017-08-15) Engle, Norm ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Impending fatherhood is noted for bringing out the incapabilities and frustrations in men. It's a choice topic for cartoonists. Personally, after having experienced the birth of my first child, I'm inclined to agree with what people say can happen to a man during the long wait.

Their Classroom is Iowa
( 2017-08-15) Devens, Gail ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

What is it to be an extension trainee for a summer in one of Iowa's counties?

The Iowa Homemaker vol.39, no.6
( 2017-08-15) Cruickshank, Sandra ; Krause, Ken ; Engle, Norm ; Borg, Eldean ; Keeney, Martha ; Gaylord, Jill ; Andre, Jackie ; Krause, Ken ; Read, Donna ; Stayner, Jim ; Devens, Gail ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Winter Party, Sandra Cruickshank, page 5

Multiple Farrowing, Ken Krause, page 7

ISC Greenhouse, Staff, page 8

I Was A Househusband, Norm Engle, page 12

What’s An Ag, Eldean Borg, page 14

What’s A Home Ec, Martha Keeney, page 15

Meet The German People, Sandra Cruickshank, page 16

Create Beauty With Simplicity, Jill Gaylord and Jackie Andre, page 18

Marketing Research Aids You, Ken Krause, page 20

Please Pass The Popcorn, Donna Read, page 26

New Uses For Ag Products, Jim Stayner, page 29

Their Classroom is Iowa, Gail Devens, page 30

Ag Waste Products
( 2017-08-15) Stayner, Jim ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Peanuts are used in a variety of foods and can usually be identified by taste. But, not too many people recognize cloth made out of peanut hulls.
