Journal Issue:
Ames Forester: Volume 2, Issue 1

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Stumpage Appraisals Involving Use of a Railroad
( 1914) Hoffman, A. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The object of this discussion is to call attention to the factors considered in appraising stumpage, rather than to give a detailed plan of procedure. Few areas present similar conditions, and consequently new problems are always at hand.

Ex-12, Ex-Guard, Ex-Ranger
( 1914) Wygle, L. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Many young men now interested in the study of Forestry in the schools of the United States have spent some part of their summer vacation at least with the Forest Service as guards or field assistants; and all of those that have, were bundles of enthusiasm from the first moment of work. This enthusiasm grew even after camp broke for the last time. Reluctant ''goodbyes'' were said, and memories of a most enjoyable and profitable vacation were told at gatherings before and after classes during the whole of the following year of school.

Impressions of German Utilization
( 1914) Brown, Nelson ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

To an American forester, accustomed to our extensive practice of forestry and our rough methods of utilization, the closeness with which the Europeans utilize the products of the forest is truly a revelation.

Grasses of the National Forests of the Rockies
( 1914) Pammel, L. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

In the revised edition of the Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountain region by J. M. Coulter and Aven Nelson something over 220 species of grasses are listed. These are distributed in 65 genera. In a paper on the grasses of the Uintah Mountains and adjacent regions by the writer, 126 species are listed and 36 genera.

The Manufacture of Walnut Gun Stocks in Iowa
( 1914) Mac Donald, G. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Few people know that an Iowa company is the largest producer of rough gun stocks in the world. The Des Moines Saw Mill Company, located at the capitol city of the State, produces annually about 1,200,000 walnut gun stocks. This number has been sold by the company during the past year. It has been variously estimated that this number equals from 50 to 75 per cent of the total yearly supply of walnut stocks in the United States. With the exception of a few manufacturers of fire arms, the Des Moines Saw Mill Company supplies all of the leading gun companies of the United States using walnut stocks. Although a large part of the blank gun stocks are further manufactured in this country, some stocks are marketed in Europe.
