Journal Issue:
Ames Forester: Volume 39, Issue 1

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1952 Ames Forester Staff
( 1952) Iowa State University Digital Repository
Forestry Student Wives Club 1951
( 1952) Iowa State University Digital Repository

The purpose of our club is to enable us to become better acquainted with others with whom we have something in common. Due to the graduation of many of the married foresters, our meetings, held every other week in the homes of our members, have had an average attendance during the past year of approximately twelve. New members are welcomed each quarter.

Pleasant Memories
( 1952) Iowa State University Digital Repository

To those who attended the 1951 Summer Camp, the memories brought back will probably linger in their minds for a long time. Because of the location, the facilities, the staff, and of course, the students, the 1951 Summer Camp was, no doubt, as successful as any previous camp. The camp was located at Hiles, Wisconsin, which is in the Headwater Region of the Dairyland state.

Introducing Thomas L. Rosenow
( 1952) Iowa State University Digital Repository

New on the Iowa State College Forestry Staff is Thomas L. Rosenow from Boulder, Colorado. Rosenow is with the staff as an assistant instructor while working for his M.S. degree in the field of utilization.

The Brayton Memorial Forest
( 1952) McComb, A. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

“It being my belief that too much of the native forest in this state is being cut off, I will and devise to the Forestry Department of the Iowa State Agricultural College my Three-Hundred and Ten acre tract of timber land, vis.: The S. E. ¼ of Sec. 36 T88 Range 4 West; arid the S. W. ¼ of See. 31, except 10 acres, of T88 Range 3 West; it being my intents that so far as feasible this tract shall be preserved as woodland and as a monument to both my father and my mother." with this statement from the will of the late Emma L. Brayton of Delaware County, the Forestry Department came into possession of a 305 acre tract of timberland located three miles north of Hopkinton in Delaware County, Iowa.
