Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 1, Issue 1

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Shall We Have Universal Physical Education?
( 2017-02-06) Tilden, Winifred ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

There are many arguments strongly in favor of it.

Is there any homemaker who regrets the passage of the Smtih-Hughes bill that has made possible the splendid work in home economics or who would abolish the good roads program now being carried out?

The Housewife and Her Working Clothes
( 2017-02-06) Kingery, Margaret ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Perhaps there is no surer sign of a woman's sense of the beautiful than her own costume when at work in her home. It is surprising how many women can plan and furnish a very artistic and individual house and yet, herself, be a most inharmonious and jarring note in the whole color scheme. This is something that the average woman either never thinks of or simply doesn't care about, yet she will spend a great deal of time and expense planning or selecting her street clothes and her afternoon and evening gowns.

Something New in Vegetables
( 2017-02-06) Parker, Ervine ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Many, many, years ago, so history tells us, the inhabitants of the earth lived entirely upon fruits and vegetables which they gathered from the forests where they made their home. Then, someone's crude house burned down, so tradition tells us, and burned a pig belonging to the master of the house. In rescuing the roasted pig, the man burned his fingers and poked them into his mouth to cool them. He liked the taste, so tried it again and then called the family and the neighbors who relished the roast pork as much as he. And henceforward all peoples have been eating meat in ever increasing quantities to the elimination of the fruits and vegetables of former days.

The Iowa Homemaker vol.1, no.1
( 2017-02-06) Storm, Elizabeth ; Kingery, Margaret ; Ritchie, Florence ; Lord Murphy, Eda ; Mackay, Catherine ; Bailey, Beth ; Tilden, Winifred ; Parker, Ervine ; Harwood, Hazel ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Table of Contents

Playing the Game of Health by Elizabeth Storm, page 1

The Housewife and Her Working Clothes by Margaret Kingery, page 2

Dress Making Made Easier by Florence Ritchie, page 3

On the Homemaker's Book Rack by Eda Lord Murphy, page 4

Just Who is the Homemaker? by Catherine J. Mackay, page 5

Are You a Successful Hostess? by Beth Bailey, page 6

Shall We Have Universal Physical Education? by Winifred R. Tilden, page 7

Something New in Vegetables by Ervine F. Parker, page 8

A Notable Day at Iowa State College by Hazel M. Harwood, page 9

On the Homemaker's Book Rack
( 2017-02-06) Murphy, Eda ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Let us sit down at this big table by the reading lamp and look over these books, one by one. We shall find many kinds, from cook books and care of children all the way up to essays and poetry.
