Journal Issue:
Iowa State University Veterinarian: Volume 29, Issue 3

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Occlusion of the Posterior Vena Cava in Two Dogs by Pheochromocytoma
( 1967) Abel, Michael ; Harken, Kay ; Tyler, D. ; Pierce, Kay ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Two cases of a pheochromocytoma occluding the posterior vena cava are presented. One, in a 14-year-old wire-haired terrier, caused no clinical signs and was an incidental finding at necropsy. In addition to partial occlusion of the vena cava, this neoplasm had metastasized to the spleen. The other, in a 10-year-old male cocker spaniel, had a clinical syndrome resembling congestive heart failure and was characterized by ascites, edema of the posterior extremities, and weakness. Histologic evidence of hypertension was conclusive on both cases.

A Profile of Dr. John Herrick; Candidate for President of the A.V.M.A.
( 1967) Dinkla, Dennis ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Dr. John B. Herrick, Extension Veterinarian and Professor of Veterinary Obstetrics at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, has recently announced his candidacy for the presidency of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Alumni News
( 1967) Iowa State University Digital Repository
Subject Index
( 1967) Iowa State University Digital Repository
Student News
( 1967) Iowa State University Digital Repository