Journal Issue:
Iowa State Journal of Research: Volume 15, Issue 1

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Iowa State College Journal of Science 15.4
( 1941-07-01) Iowa State University Digital Repository

Some Contributions to Soil Microbiology and Their Influence on the Development of This Science. F.B. Smith pages 349-352

Soil Respiration Studies on the Decomposition of Native Organic Matter. Walter B. Bollen pages 353-374

A Place for the Plate Count Method As Applied to Soil. Norman James and Marjorie L. Sutherland pages 375-384

Influence of the Decomposition of Organic Materials on Some Properties of Alkaline-Calcareous Soils. W.P. Martin and W.A. Kleinkauf pages 385-402

A Rapid Method for the Determination of Total Phosphorus in Soil and Plant Material. W.R. Shelton and Horace J. Harper pages 403-414

Studies on Different Cultures of Rhizobium Leguminosarum and of Gypsum and Straw for Seed Pea Production. S.C. Vandecaveye and W.H. Fuller pages 415-424

Factors Influencing the Solubility of Iron and Phosphorus in Chlorotic and Nonchlorotic Areas of Hyrum Clay Loam. D.Wynne Thorne pages 433-446

Numbers of Micro-organisms in Relation to Aggregate Size. G.G. Pohlman and R.J. Nottingham pages 447- 450

Iowa State College Journal of Science 15.3
( 1941-04-01) Iowa State University Digital Repository

High Molecular Weight Fatty Acid Dervatives. II. Sulfides, Sulfoxides, and Sulfones. Byron A. Hunter pages 215-222

High Molecular Weight Fatty Acid Derivatives. III. Carboxylic acid Salts and Amides of n-Dodecylamine and n-Octadecylamine. Byron A. Hunter pages 23-230

Lasius (Acanthomyops) plumopilosus, a New Ant With Plumose Hairs from Iowa. William F. Buren pages 231-236

Concerning Some Halobatnids from the Western Hemisphere. (Hemip. Gerridae). C.J. Drake and H.M. Harris pages 237-240

Some New Species of Miridae (Hemiptera) from China. Tsai-Yu Hsaio pages 241-252

The Determination of Uronic Groups in Soils and Plant Materials . W.V. Bartholomew and A.G. Norman pages 253-260

The Dissimilation of Glucose by Chaetomium funicola Cke. I. Glucose Carbon Partition. G. Semeniuk pages 261-268

New Species of Lygus from the Western United States (Hemiptera Miridae). Harry H. Knight pages 269-274

Notes on the Family Mesoveliidae (Hemiptera) with Descriptions of Two New Species. H.M. Harris and C.J. Drake pages 275-278

Methods and Computation in Fecal Analysis With Reference to the Red Fox. Thos. G. Scott pages 279-286

The Use of Iowa Clays for the Clarification of Sorgo Sirup. W.G. Gaessler, J. David Reid, and F. Leicester Cuthbert pages 287-300

The Fructosan Content of Some Grasses Adapted to Iowa (A Preliminary Survey). A.G. Norman, Cp> Wilsie, and W.G. Gaessler pages 301-306

Studies on the Myxobacteria. J.M. Beebe pages 307-338

Note on the Utilization of Carbon Dioxide by Heterotrophic Bacteria. H.D Slade, H.G. Wood, A.O. Nier, A. Hemingway, and C.H. Werkman pages 339-342

A New Genus and Species of Anthocoridae (Hemiptera). H.M. Harris and C.J. Drake pages 343-348

Iowa State College Journal of Science 15.2
( 1941) Iowa State University Digital Repository

A Preliminary List of Iowa Ants. William F. Buren pages 111-118

The Quantitative Spectroscopic Analysis of Soils. G.W. Fox and R.A. Goodwin pages 119-126

Effects of Dietary Modifications of Host Rats on the Tapeworm Hymenoiepis diminuta. Anne Hager pages 127-154

A Method for Estimating the Red Fox Population. Thos. G. Scott pages 155-160

The Effect of Aspect of Slope on Climatic Factors. J.M. Aikman pages 161-168

The Distribution of Iowa Toads. Reeve M. Bailey and Marian K. Bailey pages 169-178

The Variations in Galium triflorum and Galium boreale. Philip J. Leydendecker Jr. pages 179-182

Mollusks in the Vicinity of Ames, Iowa. David T. Jones pages 183-188

The Effect of Treated Fats on Vitamin A Potency. II. H.C.Dyme, P. Mabel Nelson, Belle Lowe, and V.E. Nelson pages 189-212

Note on the Degradation of Propionic Acid Synthesized by Propionibacterium. H.G. Wood, C.H. Werkman, Allan Hemingway, and A.O. nier pages 213-215

Iowa State College Journal of Science 15.1
( 1940-10-01) Iowa State University Digital Repository

The Northern Copperhead in Iowa. Reeve M. Bailey pages 1-2

Age Classes of Winter Cover Used by the Eastern Bob-white, Colinus v. virginianus, in Southern Iowa. Maurice F. Baker pages 3-12

High-molecular-weight Aliphatic Amines and Their Derivatives. Wm. I. Harber pages 13-26

Biological Studies of Orinthocoris toledoi Pinto, the Brazillian Chicken Bedbug. B. Thomas Snipes, Jose C.M. Carvalho, and Oscar E. Tauber pages 27-38

The Oxidation of i-Inositol by the Action of Acetobacter suboxydans. J.W. Dunning, E.I. Fulmer, and L.A. Underkolfer pages 39-46

Abstracts of Doctoral Theses pages 47-110
