Journal Issue:
Iowa State University Veterinarian: Volume 5, Issue 1

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Department of Medicine
( 1942) Swain, Lyle ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Lord Bryce once said, "Medicine is the only profession that labours incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence." Today that statement is still true. As long as there are diseases, there will still be men devoting their lives to to oppose them. The Department of Medicine, Division of Veterinary Medicine, at Iowa State College is an important link in the chain which is shackling those diseases.

Canine Infectious Papillomatosis
( 1942) Crundwell, J. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

On September 22,1941, an eighteen-month old, male Cocker Spaniel was admitted to the Charles Henry Stange Memorial Clinic showing papillomata between the toes of both fore-feet. No history was obtained as to the rate of growth or the length of time the warts had existed.

Alumni News
( 1942) Iowa State University Digital Repository
Actinomycosis-Like Lesions Caused By Corynebacterium
( 1942) Fisher, R. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

On February 11, 1942, a veterinarian was called to treat an eight month old purebred Hereford steer. The caretaker gave a history of a slowly developing enlargement posterior to the mandible. The condition was diagnosed as parotitis and the animal was treated with an organic iodide per orum.

South American Beef
( 1942) Lomasney, Eileen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Veterinarians have an active interest in the question of the importation of South American beef into this country. During the prolonged controversy which has raged over this question, they have lined up, in general, with livestock men in opposing measures which would allow South American beef to be imported into the United States in any considerable degree. In both cases, those opposed to importation do not always consider all the facts bearing on the problem; and many opposing arguments fail to distinguish between the importation of fresh beef and that of canned beef.
