Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 17, Issue 3

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Other Than Income - What Influences Farm Boys' Career Choices?
( 1962-09-01) Burchinal, Lee ; Kaldor, Donald ; Eldridge, Eber ; Arthur, I. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The incomes that they can expect to make in different occupations aren't the only things that affect the career choices of Iowa farm boys. Here are some of the other choices of Iowa farm boys. Here are some of the other influences found important in an Iowa State study.

A Situation Report - Iowa State's "Closed" Dairy Herd
( 1962-09-01) Freeman, A. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

A Holstein herd at Iowa State has been closed to outside blood for about 30 years. Here are some developments to date regarding the effect of selection and the results of mild inbreeding that occured in the herd.

Egg Production Trends - 1961
( 1962-09-01) Walther, Paul ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Analysis of the records of 43 Iowa egg producers shows trends in production and income that occured in 1961. The records also furnish guides you can use to judge the efficiency of your own poultry business.

Farm Outlook
( 1962-10-01) Skadberg, J. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The spring pig crop for 1962 was down 2 percent from that of a year earlier. This was a 4-percent change from producers' Dec. 1 intentions - which indicated a 2-percent increase in farrowings.

Especially for Homemakers
( 1962-09-01) Hurley, Candace ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

This month: If your carpet seems a different color in spots, it may be only "shading." How your boy's shoes wear may give some clues for your next purhcase. Nancy Lysen offers tips on children's reading attitudes.
