Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 11, Issue 3

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What Does It Cost To Dry Corn?
( 1956-09-01) Everett, Bernard ; Beneke, Raymond ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Returns from artificial drying vary from year to year, depending on weather and other conditions. But it's possible to give a reasonably accurate picture of the costs to consider along with the advantages and disadvantages.

Farm Outlook -- Fall Feed and Livestock Situation
( 1956-09-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Demand for farm products during the spring was supported in part by a steady rise in consumers' income. Between April and June, consumers incomes, after taxes, rose about 1 1/2 percent.

Your Experiment Station Reports
( 1956-09-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

These sections, appearing monthly in Iowa Farm Science, are designed to keep you up to date on what your agricultural experiment station is doing and to give you the results of current research from Iowa State College.

Least-Cost Rations for Broilers
( 1956-09-01) Balloun, Stanley ; Heady, Earl ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Whenever two items substitute for one another in doing the same job, it will often pay to use a little more of one and a little less of the other as costs for the two vary. Take broiler rations, for example.

Iowa Farm Science Vol. 11, No. 3
( 1956-09-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications