Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 7, Issue 7

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Livestock Diseases -1953
( 1953) Herrick, John ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Potential disease threats are many. Although the animal disease picture for Iowa is reasonably bright, we must continue working to control some well-known diseases as well as to be on the lookout for new diseases.

Farm and Home Outlook for 1953
( 1953) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Iowa farm families can plan on another good year in 1953. But with the defense program reaching its peak, the assurance of this forecast is less firm than it was a year ago. Some leveling off in economic activity may develop in the latter part of the year. This calls for no sharp adjustment in 1953 production plans but rather more careful consideration of commitments for the next 2 to 4 years.

What Garden Diseases in 1953?
( 1953) Hooker, W. ; Sherf, Arden ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Nearly all gardeners take pride in a successful crop of garden vegetables, but getting a successful crop depends upon the control of garden diseases. Here are some of the diseases to watch for in '53 and how to control them.

Recommended Crop Varieties for 1953
( 1953) Johnson, I. ; Bragonier, W. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

Using improved crop varieties is one of the quickest and most effecitve ways to step up yields. Here are crop varieties recommended for you in 1953. Each is backed by long and painstaking experiments and research.

Iowa Weather-1953
( 1953) Barger, Gerald ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

This isn't a forecast in the usual sense of weather forecasting; no one yet has succeeded in consistently predicting weather for more than a few days ahead. But here are the conditions most likely to occur in 1953.
