Journal Issue:
Soybean Genetics Newsletter: Volume 13, Issue 1

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Research Notes : United States : Characteristics of a soybean genotype resistant to Phomopsis seed decay
( 1986-04-01) Brown, E. ; Minor, H. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The disease Phomopsis seed decay of soybeans is considered to be the major cause of low quality, poorly germinating seeds in most areas where this crop is grown. This disease is caused by a complex of fungi consisting of Diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae (Dps), D. phaseolorum var. caulivora (Dpc), and Phomopsis longicolla (Pl). In addition, Dps and Pl cause pod and stem blight and Dpc causes stem canker of soybeans.

Soybean Germplasm Crop Advisory Committee Bylaws
( 1986-04-01) Iowa State University Digital Repository
Soybean Genetics Committee Report
( 1986-04-01) Bernard, R. ; Beversdorf, W. ; Buzzell, R. ; Delannay, X. ; Kiang, Y. ; Orf, J. ; Palmer, R. ; Wilcox, J. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository
Research Notes : India : Heritability estimates for seed quality traits in soybean
( 1986-04-01) Verma, V. ; Ram, H. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Breeding programs with primary emphasis on yield and resistance to dis-eases are in progress at this center since 1967-68. Rapid strides have since been made in this direction with breeding and release of several high-yield-ing soybean varieties, viz: Ankur, Alankar, Shilajeet, PK-262, PK-327, PK-308, and PK-416. However, still a constraint to expansion of soybean cultivation in tropics seems to be deterioration of seed quality in storage.
