Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 1, Issue 11

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A Few Fine Points in Meal Planning
( 2017-02-09) Bailey, Beth ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Does the problem of meal planning end when the housewife has decided how much of the family allowance may be spent for food and has insured the health of her family by providing plenty of milk, a variety of vegetables, fruits once or twice' a day, enough fat and sugars to furnish fuel for the body and eggs, cheese or meat for the constant repair of tissues?

What Kind of Kitchen Surfaces Have You?
( 2017-02-09) Hesse, Glenna ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The easiest way to keep a kitchen tidy is to have surfaces which are easy to clean. It isn't "necessary to have all the kitchen surfaces of expensive materials either. Old surfaces may be treated so that they may easily be cleaned.

Do They Practice What They Preach?
( 2017-02-09) Easter, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

What's this you're saying? They don't practice what they preach? Not so hasty in your judgment, please, for the defense is ready. The art of home making is not taught by mere theorists at Iowa State College.

Tell Me a Story Mother
( 2017-02-09) Elder, Mildred ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

"Come tell us a story!" It is the familiar plea of childhood. Unhappy, she who has not been assailed with it again and again. Thrice miserable, she who is confronted with the scathing criticism, "she doesn't know any stories." And thrice blessed is she who is recognized at a glance as a person sure to be full to the brim of them. She is the Person with a Story.

Wherein Refinishing Makes Refurnishing Easy
( 2017-02-09) Hesse, Glenna ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

One of the most charming and most comfortable apartments near the Iowa State College campus is a temporary home of two home economics instructors which has been furnished very largely with refinished discarded, and second hand furniture.
