Journal Issue:
Iowa State University Veterinarian: Volume 22, Issue 2

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Repair of a Bilateral Perineal Hernia in a Dog
( 1960) Kauffman, Arnold ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

On September 26, 1959, a ten year old, male dog of mixed breeding was admitted to Stange Memorial Clinic for repair of a bilateral perineal hernia. The condition was diagnosed by a veterinarian in private practice and was referred for surgical repair.

Alumni News
( 1960) Iowa State University Digital Repository
Student News
( 1960) Iowa State University Digital Repository
A Case of Toxoplasmosis in a Domestic Felin
( 1960) Kerns, D. ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

On November 13, 1959, a one year old male, domestic feline was admitted to Stange Memorial Clinic with a rather vague history of being weak and having a nasal discharge. Rales could be heard in the lungs upon examination along with signs of dyspnea and abdominal pain when palpated. The cat died on the examination table with no specific diagnosis.

Chronic Copper Poisoning and Pancreatitis in Sheep
( 1960) Monlux, William ; Johnson, Maurice ; Preston, Kenneth ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

During the fall of 1958 a prominent sheep breeder in central Iowa began to lose some sheep. On October 12, 1958, a ram showed anorexia, and appeared as if he were in pain. Upon palpation, tenderness was noted on the right side of the abdomen, and central nervous system disturbances appeared prior to his death. When he became recumbent, he showed running movements and foamed at the mouth. A necropsy examination was not made.
