Journal Issue:
Iowa Farm Science: Volume 11, Issue 9

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Consumer Credit - Using It Wisely
( 1957-03-01) Liston, Margaret ; Bivens, Gordon ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

For any family, credit can be a tool, trap or just "handy to have around." We talked about this in the February issue of Iowa Farm Science. We suggested factors to consider in combining credit for family living (consumer credit) and for farm operation (production credit). We pointed out ways in which wise use of credit could increase farm income, family living levels and over-all family satisfaction.

Farm Outlook
( 1957-03-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The general economic outlook for 1957 is good. Many factors are making for continued expansion in the year ahead. But there are danger signs lurking- chief of which is the possibility of excessive prices rises, which could choke off the boom.

Your Experiment Station Reports
( 1957-03-01) Extension and Experiment Station Publications

These monthly sections are designed to keep you informed on what your agricultural experiment station is doing and to give you the results of current farm and home research from Iowa State College.

Situation Report on Cloud Seeding
( 1957-03-01) Shaw, R. ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The answer to what can be done by cloud seeding is at best still incomplete and inconclusive. More study is needed on the fundamentals of how rain falls and how cloud seeding might modify this. But here's a report on this controversial subject in the light of the information now known.

A New Slant on Weedy Beans
( 1957-03-01) Staniforth, David ; Weber, Charles ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The direct cash loss from weeds is in lowered crop yields. Weeds rob the crop of moisture, nutrients and sometimes light. And they usually mean more trouble and indirect losses- in combining, later weed infestations, etc.
