University Library

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The University Library provides and promotes discovery tools, trusted informational resources, and information literacy skills as a vital campus partner in ensuring that the university will lead the world in advancing the land-grant ideals of putting science, technology and human creativity to work. In doing so, the Library equips faculty, staff and students to create, share and apply knowledge in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. The University Library features a collection of over 2.6 million volumes, with strengths in biological and physical sciences and technology.

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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Student Success Outcomes and Predictors from the 2019 Student Survey

2021-01 , Anderson, Linda , University Library , Library Assessment

Averages of two student success measures, cumulative GPA and response to the survey question “To what extent have the Library’s resources and services contributed to your academic success?”, were estimated at two different levels of library resource usage and library building usage and for a variety of student groups, while adjusting for demographics and other predictor variables.

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Library Accessibility Survey, 2021

2021 , Davis, Greg , Vega García, Susan , Wampole, Katie , Moats, Steven , University Library , Library Assessment

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and Parks Library staff invited users your participation in this survey to help staff understand user experiences using Parks Library, the College of Design Reading Room, theCollege of Veterinary Medicine Library, and/or the ISU library website.

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The Effectiveness of Open Educational Resources to Improve Access and Learning in an Electricity Course

2021-04-01 , Haughery, John , Olaniba, Oyetunji , Elder, Abbey , Reference and Instruction , University Library , Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

A primary motivation for using Open Educational Resources (OERs) is to increase access by reducing students’ financial burden. While this was a motivating factor in this study, the authors also were interested in understanding OER’s impact on student learning. Therefore, this study describes the adaption process for an OER textbook used in a junior-level undergraduate electricity course and evaluates this OER’s effectiveness to increase student access and improve learning over the baseline textbook. A quasi-experimental, non-equivalent design collected exam scores, and self-reported survey responses from n=144 students in a comparison (non-adapted OER; n=83) and treatment (adapted OER; n=61) group was used. Based on Student’s t, Kolmogorov Smirnov, and Chi-square (χ2) tests, the adapted OER was effective at improving access and learning while also saving enrolled students an average of $8,000 per year, collectively. A brief background of OER databases, materials, and methods used to develop the OER and the intellectual contribution of the newly adapted OER, and lessons learned are included in the study.

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Cultivating Accountability by Eliciting Upward Feedback

2021-03-18 , Rowell, Chelcie , Scates Kettler, Hannah , Digital Scholarship and Initiatives , University Library

In many work environments, regular staff performance evaluations are the norm, and this practice has real impact on staff promotion opportunities and raises. However, this process is typically top down, i.e., the supervisor evaluates the supervisee. Often employees do not have the opportunity to evaluate their supervisor in turn. This norm of personnel evaluation potentially creates barriers for staff to express their needs as workers, as well as for supervisors to listen, learn, and grow.

This presentation will outline how two newer middle managers at different institutions approached seeking upward feedback from their direct reports. They will discuss what inspired them, how they implemented upward feedback opportunities, what feedback they received from their colleagues, and their reflections since then. For both managers, this process provided crucial feedback and set a precedent to repeat the feedback loop throughout their careers to foster a more open, inclusive, and equitable work environment.

We will draw upon published research on mechanisms of accountability within organizations (particularly within relationships with power differentials) while narrating our own lived experiences. Throughout we will create opportunities for reflection from attendees by posing questions in an Etherpad, such as:

  • We must make explicit both to whom and for what we owe accountability. What are managers accountable to their direct reports for?
  • What are some necessary conditions for direct reports to feel safe enough to be candid when offering feedback to their managers? How can managers create these conditions?
  • How do we operationalize accountability to direct reports? How do we design trustworthy processes, independent of the individuals occupying management roles?

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Subscribe to Progress: Advancing Equity Through Openness

2021-08-16 , Brundy, Curtis , Steel, Ginny , University Library , Library Administration

A blog post about the Open Access business model Subscribe to Open (S2O).

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2021 Collection Measurement Report

2021-10-25 , Eddy, Jacob A. , University Library , Library Assessment

In times of continuous technological change and tumultuous developments in public health & safety, the form and function of Iowa State University Libraries continues to evolve and adapt. With ever-increasing demands for dynamic creative workspaces and persistent requirements for social distancing, Parks Library in particular has dramatically reduced the footprint of its physical collections in order to pave the way for this new direction. Based on a detailed measurement of the library’s collection, the amount of available shelving has reduced by over 11% during the past 2 years. This has freed up large tracks of space on 3rd and 4th Floors for new renovations. At the same time, the A-to-Z Rearrangement and LSB Transfer Projects were completed, easing congestion in the General Collection and redistributing items evenly over the remaining shelves. Space usage now rests at an average of 72.8% in Parks Library, with almost no overcrowding. Withdrawals have not quite kept up with growth over this time, however, so the overall collection has grown slightly. This is a reversal of previous trends, but may be the result of temporary circumstances during the 2020 shutdown. Future trends will be carefully monitored to ensure the continuing stability of all Iowa State collections.

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The Open Transition Takes Center Stage

2021-11-16 , Lair, Sharla , Brundy, Curtis , University Library , Library Administration

A blog post about efforts to advance Open Science.

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Iowa State University Library Assessment Plan: Fiscal Year 2021 Report

2021-09 , Davis, Greg , Wampole, Katie , Dowell, Norma , Vega García, Susan , University Library , Library Assessment

This report is the third annual Iowa State University Library Assessment Plan Report. It includes selected data visualizations along with narrative descriptions of measures and analysis in support of the library’s assessment plan. This report is intended to provide an update on the library’s progress related to the goals and objectives articulated in the library’s assessment plan strategy map. The structure of this report has been aligned with the library’s strategy map. The strategy map contains thirteen objectives. The body of this report will contain a section for each strategy map objective. Those sections will contain a review of performance indicators and the associated targets that have been established for each strategy map objective.

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Supporting Student-Centered Learning through Open Pedagogy

2021-01-01 , Elder, Abbey , Reference and Instruction , University Library

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2021 ISU Library OA Commitment

2021-11-05 , Library Open Access Commitment Working Group , University Library

This Commitment is a collaboratively written and edited document expressing the Iowa State University Library staff's pledge to share the outcomes of our work openly whenever possible to serve as an example for our peers and campus community.