Gassmann, Aaron

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The Department of Entomology seeks to teach the study of insects, their life-cycles, and the practicalities in dealing with them, for use in the fields of business, industry, education, and public health. The study of entomology can be applied towards evolution and ecological sciences, and insects’ relationships with other organisms & humans, or towards an agricultural or horticultural focus, focusing more on pest-control and management.

The Department of Entomology was founded in 1975 as a result of the division of the Department of Zoology and Entomology.

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Managing cover crop pests for corn and soybean production

2015-12-01 , Hodgson, Erin , Dunbar, Mike , O'Neal, Matthew , O'Neal, Matt , Gassmann, Aaron

Cover crops can provide many benefits to row crop agriculture, such as reducing water loss and soil erosion, increasing soil organic matter and nutrients, and suppressing weeds. The incorporation of cover crops is also generally perceived as an important forage and refuge for natural enemies of insects and weeds. Diverse agroecosystems that include cover crops can have decreased pest pressure compared to monocultures (Root 1973). For example, soybean aphid populations can be lower in soybean fields with a rye cover crop (Koch et al. 2012).