Gassmann, Aaron

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The Department of Entomology seeks to teach the study of insects, their life-cycles, and the practicalities in dealing with them, for use in the fields of business, industry, education, and public health. The study of entomology can be applied towards evolution and ecological sciences, and insects’ relationships with other organisms & humans, or towards an agricultural or horticultural focus, focusing more on pest-control and management.

The Department of Entomology was founded in 1975 as a result of the division of the Department of Zoology and Entomology.

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Durability of Corn Expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Insecticidal Proteins in Single and Stacked Events

2010-01-01 , Gassmann, Aaron , Keweshan, Ryan

Western corn rootworm is an important agricultural pest of corn. Transgenic corn producing toxins derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Bt has been rapidly adopted by farmers. These Bt crops control many key agricultural pests such as corn rootworm. Thus, it is important to understand the durability of Bt crops. In order to delay pest resistance, farmers must plant a refuge (Box 1). Non-Bt corn is used with Bt corn as part of a refuge strategy (Figure 1). This study focuses on studying the durability of Bt corn as either a stacked event (SmartStax) or a single event (VTTriple Pro) in controlling the Western corn rootworm.