Gabiam, Nell

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World Languages and Cultures
The Department of World Languages and Cultures seeks to provide an understanding of other cultures through their languages, providing both linguistic proficiency and cultural literacy. Majors in French, German, and Spanish are offered, and other coursework is offered in Arabic, Chinese, Classical Greek, Latin, Portuguese, and Russian
Organizational Unit

The Department of Anthropology seeks to teach students what it means to be human by examining the four sub-disciplines of anthropology: cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and biological anthropology. This prepares students for work in academia, research, or with government agencies, development organizations, museums, or private businesses and corporations.

The Department of Anthropology was formed in 1991 as a result of the division of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

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اللاجئون الفلسطينيون الفارون من سوريا: عالقون على هامش القانون

2015-10-19 , ابو مغلي, مي , بيطاري, نائل , غابيام, نيل , Gabiam, Nell , Political Science , Anthropology

بينما تتجه الأنظار إلى الحملة الغاشمة التي تشنها إسرائيل على الفلسطينيين الخاضعين لاحتلالها والمواطنين فيها على السواء، لا يزال اللاجئون الفلسطينيون الفارون من سوريا محرومين من الحقوق الممنوحة للاجئين الآخرين. يستعرض محللو الشبكة مي أبو مغلي ونائل بيطاري ونيل غابيام الإطار القانوني التمييزي، ويعددون خطوات عملية من شأنها أن تضمن سلامة اللاجئين واحترامَ حقوقهم الإنسانية.

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Palestinian Refugees From Syria: Stranded on the Margins of Law

2015-10-19 , Abu Moghli, Mai , Bitarie, Nael , Gabiam, Nell , Political Science , Anthropology

The Syrian war that followed the popular uprisings almost five years ago has had a devastating toll on the country’s population. The civilian death toll has reached 200,000, more that half of Syria’s inhabitants have been forced to leave their homes, and human rights violations and abuses are widespread. The Palestinian refugees from Syria are amongst the most vulnerable because they are stateless and have been denied rights granted to other refugees, including in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Turkey. Indeed, the precarious legal status and social vulnerability of the Palestinian refugees that have fled to other Middle Eastern countries are convincing an increasing number to seek safety and stability in Europe.

Al-Shabaka policy analysts Mai Abu Moghli, Nael Bitarie, and Nell Gabiam analyze the effects of the war in Syria on Palestinian refugees through a succinct, country-by-country analysis of the legal and social obstacles they face. They examine the discriminatory legal framework that is being applied to the Palestinian refugees from Syria by Arab countries as well as by the international community, and underscore that the Israeli government’s denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees – in violation of international law - is a major factor in the current vulnerability of the Palestinians of Syria.

In their policy recommendations, Abu Moghli, Bitarie, and Gabiam identify several practical, immediate steps that Israel, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority (PA), the United Nations, and the international community should take to address the immediate safety of Syria’s Palestinian refugees and to ensure that their human rights are respected and that they are able to find protection from the Syrian war’s devastating effects.