van der Valk, Arnold

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Professor Emeritus
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Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology

The Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology seeks to teach the studies of ecology (organisms and their environment), evolutionary theory (the origin and interrelationships of organisms), and organismal biology (the structure, function, and biodiversity of organisms). In doing this, it offers several majors which are codirected with other departments, including biology, genetics, and environmental sciences.

The Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology was founded in 2003 as a merger of the Department of Botany, the Department of Microbiology, and the Department of Zoology and Genetics.

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The Botany Graduate Program offers work for the degrees Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy with a graduate major in Botany, and minor work for students majoring in other departments or graduate programs. Within the Botany Graduate Major, one of the following areas of specialization may be designated: aquatic and wetland ecology, cytology, ecology, morphology, mycology, physiology and molecular biology, or systematics and evolution. Relevant graduate courses that may be counted toward completion of these degrees are offered by the Departments of EEOB and GDCB, and by other departments and programs. The specific requirements for each student’s course distribution and research activities are set by the Program of Study Committee established for each student individually, and must satisfy all requirements of the Graduate College (See Index). GRE (and if necessary, TOEFL) scores are required of all applicants; students are encouraged to contact faculty prior to application.

Search Results

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Effects of Agricultural Development on Biodiversity: Lessons from Iowa

1996-09-01 , Bultena, Gordon , Duffy, Michael , Thompson, Janette , Jungst, Steven , van der Valk, Arnold , Kanwar, Ramesh , Menzel, Bruce , Kanwar, Rameshwar , Singh, Piyush , Willham, Richard , Misra, Manjit , Economics , Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Numerous ecological studies have shown that human population growth is forcing many plant and animal species into extinction. Communities of all living organisms, such as those found in prairies, marshes, woodlands, and lakes, interact in many ways with their surrounding environments. A recent report of the 1995 UN Conference on Biodiversity in Indonesia found that human population growth and economic development are depleting the planet's biological resources. Although environmental awareness is growing, damage to global diversity continues. More than 30,000 plant and animal species face possible extinction worldwide and some forty to a hundred species become extinct every day.

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The Vegetation of Restored and Natural Prairie Wetlands

1996-02-01 , Galatowitsch, Susan , van der Valk, Arnold , Botany

Thousands of wetland restorations have been done in the glaciated mid‐continent of the United States. Wetlands in this region revegetate by natural recolonization after hydrology is restored. The floristic composition of the vegetation and seed banks of 10 restored wetlands in northern Iowa were compared to those of 10 adjacent natural wetlands to test the hypothesis that communities rapidly develop through natural recolonization. Restoration programs in the prairie pothole region assume that the efficient‐community hypothesis is true: all plant species that can become established and survive under the environmental conditions found at a site will eventually be found growing there and/or will be found in its seed bank. Three years after restoration, natural wetlands had a mean of 46 species compared to 27 species for restored wetlands. Some guilds of species have significantly fewer (e.g., sedge meadow) or more (e.g., submersed aquatics) species in restored than natural wetlands. The distribution and abundance of most species at different elevations were significantly different in natural and restored wetlands. The seed banks of restored wetlands contained fewer species and fewer seeds than those of natural wetlands. There were, however, some similarities between the vegetation of restored and natural wetlands. Emergent species richness in restored wetlands was generally similar to that in natural wetlands, although there were fewer shallow emergent species in restored wetlands. The seed banks of restored wetlands, however, were not similar to those of natural wetlands in composition, mean species richness, or mean total seed density. Submersed aquatic, wet prairie, and sedge meadow species were not present in the seed banks of restored wetlands. These patterns of recolonization seem related to dispersal ability, indicating the efficient‐community hypothesis cannot be completely accepted as a basis for restorations in the prairie pothole region.