Participant motivation and satisfaction with off-campus agricultural credit programs

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Miller, Bruce
Major Professor
Harold R. Crawford
Committee Member
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The off-campus credit programs in agriculture at Iowa State University were evaluated to determine the motivation for participation and to gain knowledge of the degree to which participant's needs and expectations were being met. The target population was participants in off-campus credit programs in the College of Agriculture;The Education Participation Scale (EPS) was used to determine the motivation for participation. The EPS has been factor analyzed. The factors were: social contact, social stimulation, professional advancement, community service, external expectations, and cognitive interest. The study revealed the cognitive interest factor mean score to be rated highest. All factor mean scores, with the exception of that for professional advancement, were statistically significantly lower than the normative group. Government service organization personnel (Extension, Soil Conservation Service, etc., employees) were found to be more motivated by professional advancement opportunities and external expectations of supervisors than individuals in other occupations. Government Service personnel also had the lowest mean factor score for cognitive interest. The study concluded that Master of Agriculture degree-seekers were more socially motivated than other participants. The factor means of the social contact factor and the social stimulation factor were found to be higher among this group of participants;Participant satisfaction was also studied. A researcher-developed instrument was used. The instrument was comprised of three parts. Part I assessed personal benefits derived through participation in the off-campus programs. Part II included statements with respect to institutional and programmatic functions of the off-campus programs. Part III gathered demographic information. Composite scores from Part I, Part II, and a total score were used data analysis;A high statistically significant difference was observed on the Part II composite score when data were grouped by occupation and also registration status (graduate vs undergraduate). A statistically significant difference in the overall composite mean scores was observed when grouped by program involvement. In general, the researcher felt that the data in this section of the study were quite consistent among participants. Participants were satisfied with the off-campus programs; however, a relatively low level of agreement with the satisfaction indicator statements was observed.

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Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1991
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