Principal rank characteristic sequences

dc.contributor.advisor Leslie Hogben Martinez-Rivera, Xavier
dc.contributor.department Mathematics 2018-08-11T09:45:22.000 2020-06-30T03:03:22Z 2020-06-30T03:03:22Z Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017 2001-01-01 2017-01-01
dc.description.abstract <p>The necessity to know certain information about</p> <p>the principal minors of a given/desired</p> <p>matrix is a situation that</p> <p>arises in several areas of mathematics.</p> <p>As a result, researchers associated two</p> <p>sequences with an $n \times n$</p> <p>symmetric,</p> <p>complex Hermitian, or</p> <p>skew-Hermitian matrix $B$.</p> <p>The first of these is the</p> <p>principal rank characteristic sequence</p> <p>(abbreviated pr-sequence).</p> <p>This sequence is defined as</p> <p>$r_0]r_1 \cdots r_n$,</p> <p>where, for $k \geq 1$,</p> <p>$r_k = 1$ if $B$ has a</p> <p>nonzero order-$k$ principal minor, and</p> <p>$r_k = 0$, otherwise;</p> <p>$r_0 = 1$ if and only if</p> <p>$B$ has a $0$ diagonal entry.</p> <p>The second sequence, one that</p> <p>``enhances'' the pr-sequence, is the</p> <p>enhanced principal rank characteristic sequence (epr-sequence), denoted by</p> <p>$\ell_1 \ell_2 \cdots \ell_n$, where $\ell_k$ is either</p> <p>$\tt A$, $\tt S$, or $\tt N$, based on whether</p> <p>all, some but not all, or none of the</p> <p>order-$k$ principal minors of $B$ are nonzero.</p> <p>In this dissertation,</p> <p>restrictions for the attainability of</p> <p>epr-sequences by real symmetric matrices are established.</p> <p>These restrictions are then used to classify two related</p> <p>families of sequences that are attainable by real symmetric matrices:</p> <p>the family of pr-sequences</p> <p>not containing three consecutive $1$s, and</p> <p>the family of epr-sequences</p> <p>containing an $\tt{N}$ in every subsequence of</p> <p>length $3$.</p> <p>The epr-sequences that are attainable by symmetric matrices over fields of characteristic $2$ are considered:</p> <p>For the prime field of order $2$, a complete characterization of these epr-sequences is obtained;</p> <p>and for more general fields of characteristic $2$, some restrictions are also obtained.</p> <p>A sequence that refines the epr-sequence of</p> <p>a Hermitian matrix $B$, the</p> <p>signed enhanced principal rank characteristic sequence (sepr-sequence), is introduced.</p> <p>This sequence is defined as</p> <p>$t_1t_2 \cdots t_n$, where</p> <p>$t_k$ is either $\tt A^*$, $\tt A^+$, $\tt A^-$, $\tt N$, $\tt S^*$, $\tt S^+$, or $\tt S^-$, based on the following criteria:</p> <p>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%</p> <p>$t_k = \tt A^*$ if $B$ has both a positive and a negative order-$k$ principal minor, and each order-$k$ principal minor is nonzero;</p> <p>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%</p> <p>$t_k = \tt A^+$ (respectively, $t_k = \tt A^-$) if each order-$k$ principal minor is positive (respectively, negative);</p> <p>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%</p> <p>$t_k = \tt N$ if each order-$k$ principal minor is zero;</p> <p>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%</p> <p>$t_k = \tt S^*$ if $B$ has each a positive, a negative, and a zero order-$k$ principal minor;</p> <p>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%</p> <p>$t_k = \tt S^+$ (respectively, $t_k = \tt S^-$) if $B$ has both a zero and a nonzero order-$k$ principal minor, and each nonzero order-$k$ principal minor is positive (respectively, negative).</p> <p>The unattainability of various</p> <p>sepr-sequences is established.</p> <p>Among other results, it is shown that subsequences such as $\tt A^*N$ and $\tt NA^*$ cannot occur in the sepr-sequence of a Hermitian matrix.</p> <p>The notion of a nonnegative and nonpositive subsequence is introduced, leading to a connection with positive semidefinite matrices.</p> <p>Moreover, restrictions for sepr-sequences attainable by real symmetric matrices are established.</p>
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier archive/
dc.identifier.articleid 6372
dc.identifier.contextkey 11051332
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath etd/15365
dc.language.iso en
dc.source.bitstream archive/|||Fri Jan 14 20:39:54 UTC 2022
dc.subject.disciplines Applied Mathematics
dc.subject.keywords Enhanced principal rank characteristic sequence
dc.subject.keywords Hermitian matrix
dc.subject.keywords Minor
dc.subject.keywords Rank
dc.subject.keywords Signed enhanced principal rank characteristic sequence
dc.subject.keywords Symmetric matrix
dc.title Principal rank characteristic sequences
dc.type article
dc.type.genre dissertation
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 82295b2b-0f85-4929-9659-075c93e82c48 Applied Mathematics dissertation Doctor of Philosophy
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