Factors that impact agricultural extension training programs for smallholder women farmers in Njombe District, Tanzania

dc.contributor.advisor Robert A. Martin
dc.contributor.author Gwivaha, Furaha
dc.contributor.department Agricultural Education and Studies
dc.date 2018-08-11T14:11:51.000
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-30T02:59:17Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-30T02:59:17Z
dc.date.copyright Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
dc.date.embargo 2001-01-01
dc.date.issued 2015-01-01
dc.description.abstract <p>Agriculture is and will remain a very important component of social and economic development of a country, particularly the developing countries. Agricultural training to the right people at the right time and in a right way will remain essential for the development of the agricultural sector. However, women have a large contribution in agricultural development at the household level, and the country at large. The need for women involvement in agricultural training programs is crucial to make sure that their full potential is utilized in agriculture. The purpose of this study was to identify major factors that impact smallholder women farmers training programs in Njombe district in Tanzania. This study was made possible by identifying the current training programs for smallholder women farmers and identifying aspects that influence women participation in agricultural training programs. Also, for describing strategies that could enhance food security training of women farmers. The target population of the study was all women smallholder farmers, particularly rural women from Njombe Rural District. The descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data from 100 smallholder women farmers. The results indicated that very few women farmers participated in agricultural extension training. Results showed that the following factors interfered their participation in agricultural training: women farmers have less access and possession of land, very few have membership in farmer groups / associations. Also, most farmers use hand held hoes to work on their farms, and most women grow food crops. Furthermore, results indicated that women farmers use agro inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides. Very few use improved seeds because they don’t have enough information, it is very expensive to handle and also the seeds are incompatible to their environment. Based on the findings of this study the government, NGOs, and other stakeholders should support women as an important component in agricultural sector. Factors that prevent women farmers from participating in the agricultural training programs should be considered when planning for any training activities.</p>
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/etd/14801/
dc.identifier.articleid 5808
dc.identifier.contextkey 8330789
dc.identifier.doi https://doi.org/10.31274/etd-180810-4387
dc.identifier.s3bucket isulib-bepress-aws-west
dc.identifier.submissionpath etd/14801
dc.identifier.uri https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/28986
dc.language.iso en
dc.source.bitstream archive/lib.dr.iastate.edu/etd/14801/Gwivaha_iastate_0097M_15251.pdf|||Fri Jan 14 20:26:57 UTC 2022
dc.subject.disciplines Agricultural Education
dc.subject.keywords Agricultural Education (Agricultural Extension Education)
dc.subject.keywords Agricultural Education
dc.subject.keywords Agricultural Extension Education
dc.subject.keywords Agricultural Extension
dc.subject.keywords Aricultural Education
dc.subject.keywords Extension education
dc.subject.keywords Smallholder farmers
dc.subject.keywords Training programs
dc.subject.keywords Women farmers
dc.title Factors that impact agricultural extension training programs for smallholder women farmers in Njombe District, Tanzania
dc.type article
dc.type.genre thesis
dspace.entity.type Publication
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 63e3ba64-a7a5-422b-97a2-decb3486fb95
thesis.degree.level thesis
thesis.degree.name Master of Science
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