Development and application of a decision methodology for the planning of nuclear research and development in Saudi Arabia

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Abulfaraj, Waleed
Major Professor
Committee Member
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Research Projects
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Nuclear Engineering

The present study involves adapting two formal decision methodologies to the selection of alternative nuclear energy strategies. Multiattribute utility theory and fuzzy set theory are selected to accommodate for decision makers' preferences and for imprecisions in evaluation of factors impacting a decision, respectively;Multiattribute Utility theory (MAU) is here employed to evaluate four appropriate research reactor facilities to determine the optimal choice in order to meet the needs of Saudi Arabia. These facilities are similar to University of Michigan Ford Nuclear Reactor (FNR), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor (MITR), Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor (GTRR), and University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR). These are pool, light water tank, heavy water tank and TRIGA reactors, respectively;The objectives of the Saudi Nuclear Research Center (SNRC) are defined and structured into definite subobjectives, attributes, and subattributes to evaluate the best alternative. Factors affecting the decision are economics, technological feasibility, and safety as well as capability to provide the needed services and compatibility with the local environment. A computer program which is here developed is employed to assist in performing utility analysis. Based upon available data, the result shows superiority of the UWNR type over other facilities;Fuzzy set theory is used to handle site selection decisions for the first nuclear research center in Saudi Arabia. The approach is adequate in situations where precise data are not available. Based upon the criteria used, preference for the East Coast site over the West Coast site is found within the ill-defined (fuzzy) environment surrounding the decision;Procurement and siting decisions in Saudi Arabia for equipment of this sort are based on the demonstrated performance of operating units. Equipment ordered will duplicate units in existence and may include peripheral components whose function and utility have already been demonstrated. Certain procedures discussed in detail in this dissertation reflect this modus operandi.

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Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1983