Iowa Agriculturist

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Publication Search Results

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Iowa Agriculturist Fall 1991

1991-07-01 , Fesenmeyer, Shannon

Editor's Note 4

Research 5

Sustainable Agriculture 7

Professional Development 9

Ag in the U.S.S.R. 10

Government and Ag 16

Students Abroad 17

Editorial 19

Animal Welfare 22

Alumni Spotlight 26

Ag Directory 27

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Iowa Agriculturist April/May 1989

1989-04-01 , Jardon, Melinda

Behind the editor's desk 4

The Leopold Center begins work 6

Biotechnology 8

Searching for summer crop scouts 12

Aflatoxin: Perennial Problem or Drought Dilemma 14

Recreation areas felt the drought,too 16

Here's the Beef 18

Ag College tackles low minority enrollment 20

Udderances 24

Years past 26

Over the brew 28

Ag directory 30

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Iowa Agriculturist 92.03

1991-04-01 , Larson, Valerie

Munchsters 5

Farmers and Ethics 8

Govt. and Agriculture 12

Outback at Rockwood Station 14

Farm Bureau 20

Research 22

Professional Development 25

Extras 26

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Iowa Agriculturist 91.04

1990-05-01 , Peitscher, Alissa

Behind the Editor's Desk 4

Biotech 5

Porcine Somatotrophin 8

Wanted: Old Newspaper for Cattle Bedding 12

Recruitment 14

Nitrogen Overload 16

Ag Directory 19

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Iowa Agriculturist April 1992 n.02

1992-04-01 , Fesenmeyer, Shannon

Editor's Note 4

Research 5

ISU Student Returns From Irish Ag Exchange 8

Professional Development 9

Chinese Pork Research Will Help Improve American Breeds 12

Government and Ag 16

Raising Healthy Pigs May Raise Health Risks For Farmers 18

Alternative Ag 21

Concerned Iowa Farmers Call For Help 22

Alumni Spotlight 26

Club Spotlight 27

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Iowa Agriculturist Fall 1990

1990-10-01 , Larson, Valerie , Chaffee, Lori

Editor's Note 4

Research 5

Fish Farming 7

Animal Rights 9

Ag Sat 12

Tourism 14

Professional Development 18

Govt. and Agriculture 20

Ag Directory 22

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Iowa Agriculturist 91.02

1989-12-01 , Peitscher, Alissa

Behind the Editor's Desk 4

Renovation: When Nature Fails 5

Years Past 8

Successful Job Hunting 10

The Big Picture 12

Dallas McGinnis 16

Udderances 20

Campus Spots 22

Ag Directory 23

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Iowa Agriculturist April 1992 n.01

1992-04-01 , Fesenmeyer, Shannon

Editor's Note 4

Research 5

Czechs Switch To Capitalism 8

Prof. Develop. 9


Govt. and Ag. 16

Editorial 19

Iowa Extension Service Cuts 20

Alternative Ag. 23

ISU Dairy Farm 24

Alumni Spotlight 26

Ag. Directory 27

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Iowa Agriculturist Feb. 1991

1991-02-01 , Larson, Valerie

Editor's Note 4


Old Botany Hall 7

Govt. and Agriculture 8

Research 12

Brackelsaburg Travels the World 17

Professional Development 19

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Iowa Agriculturist 91.03

1990-04-01 , Peitscher, Alissa

Behind the Editor's Desk 4

Return of the Wetlands 5

Solving the Plastic Dilemma 8

Expanding Environmental Protection 12

Biotech 14

Restoring Diversity in Iowa Fields 18

Ag Directory 22