IMSE Research Symposium

dc.contributor.department Iowa State University Conferences and Symposia 2021-02-26T22:30:09.055 2021-02-27T16:00:48Z 2021-02-27T16:00:48Z
dc.description.abstract The Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department supports research at all levels, and has had a formal Undergraduate Research Program since 2013. IMSE URA students have co-authored journal articles; presented their work at university, state, national, and international venues; and been acknowledged by the research community for their contributions. Each spring, the department hosts a Research Symposium, where approximately 50 undergraduate and 20 graduate students present their work.
dc.identifier imse_symposium
dc.relation.ispartof Decision Making and Quality: The Flint Water Crisis
dc.relation.ispartof Design Optimization Under Long-Range Uncertainty
dc.relation.ispartof Decision Making for Different Types of Variation in a Manufacturing System
dc.relation.ispartof Do students learn better using online testing with multiple attempts?
dc.relation.ispartof A Multiple Decision-Maker Approach to Resource Allocation Models for Prevention, Preparation, and Response to Major Disruptions
dc.title IMSE Research Symposium
dc.type ir_event_community
dspace.entity.type Series
relation.isOrgUnitOfSeries 416ebf16-db68-4923-9c04-7bd8ba627d49
relation.isPublicationOfSeries fbc1048e-a28e-49f3-9714-f8c3572685b0
relation.isPublicationOfSeries 7d9a30bf-3f82-4861-9f5a-d02f3462b955
relation.isPublicationOfSeries 057f9c30-4fac-4587-aad7-7c5965c5cbe2
relation.isPublicationOfSeries 56f7b533-44c2-4da7-9611-c1384da0ce84
relation.isPublicationOfSeries ca19247c-269b-448b-85dd-d1e29a1a877e