Journal Issue:
Prospects for agricultural recovery, I. The economic situation in 1933 Bulletin: Volume 27, Issue 310

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Prospects for agricultural recovery, I. The economic situation in 1933
( 2017-08-16) Shepherd, Geoffrey ; Extension and Experiment Station Publications

The bulletins in this series, entitled “Prospects for Agricultural Recovery,” will deal with the marked improvement that has taken place in industry since the low point of the depression early in 1933, and with the relatively small amount of improvement that has taken place in the condition of agriculture. They will deal with the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the other measures passed during the special session of Congress, and with the present and prospective effects of this legislation on agriculture and on the country as a whole.

Last year, Iowa State College published a series of 10 circulars under the general heading, “The Agricultural Emergency in Iowa.”1 These circulars drew attention to the gravity of the agricultural situation, and discussed measures for remedying it. This year the situation has changed. Drastic remedial legislation has been passed, some improvement has taken place, and the outlook is not so dark as it was a year ago. Public interest now is focused upon the recovery measures that have been enacted into law.
