Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 1, Issue 8

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The Iowa Homemaker vol.1, no.8
( 2017-02-08) Jordan, Clara ; Paschal, Helen ; Bailey, Beth ; Lerdall, Millie ; McIlrath, Grace ; Ingersoll, Blanche ; Lord, Eda ; Alumna, An ; Bell, Viola ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Table of Contents

An Appreciation of the Life of Dean MacKay compiled by Clara Jordan, page 1

Iowa Members of W. C. T. U. Meet by Helen Paschal, page 2

What Shall We Have for Thanksgiving Dinner? by Beth Bailey, page 3

Things to Know About the School Lunch Basket by Millie Lerdall and Grace McIlrath, page 4

Do You Know What’s In a Can? by Blanche Ingersoll, page 5

“La Chambre D’Ami” in An Iowa Home by Eda Lord Murphy, page 6

“Looking In” on Home Economics at Iowa State by An Alumna, page 6

Pumpkin Pies They Don’t Forget by Viola M. Bell, page 7

Iowa Members of W.C.T.U. Meet
( 2017-02-08) Paschal, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

How great common interests can draw together women from all ranks and positions in life was illustrated at the Iowa Women's Christian Temperance Union convention held at Ames the week of Oct. 18th. The delegates who came from every county ranged in social position from prominent club women to women who had been drawn into the work from some tragedy, perhaps, in their homes. The meeting was the largest state W. C. T. U. convention ever held. For the first time in history the supreme court of Iowa adjourned to allow one of it's justices (in this case Judge Faville) to attend a W. C. T. U. convention.

Pumpkin Pies They Don't Forget
( 2017-02-08) Bell, Viola ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

They may be made with molasses or made with sugar, made by the baker or made by the neighbor, but-nine chances to one they are made in your own kitchen just the day or so before Thanksgiving.

"Looking In" on Home Economics at Iowa State
( 2017-02-08) Iowa State University Digital Repository

A typical campus breeze carried me up the path from the car line and around the corner of Agricultural Hall, swirled sidewise for a moment to dash some withered leaves from a clambering vine and left on the white stone wall a sheer network of slender brown branches splashed with tiny scarlet tipped leaves.

An Appreciation of the Life of Dean MacKay
( 2017-02-08) Jordan, Clara ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

The loss of a woman like Dean Catherine J . Mac Kay is felt, not only by the group with which she is most intimately connected, but by people all over the state and nation. In this symposium we have collected a few words of appreciation from representative people, who have realized the influence of Dean MacKay's personality and ideals in their own lives and in the work with which they are connected.
