Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.2, no.5-6 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 2, Issue 5

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Will Courtesy Count in Your Child's Career?
( 2017-02-13) Murphy, Eda ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

I was talking last week with a freshman about his experiences during the first quarter of his school year. Along with tales of Sophomore "stretching" for not wearing 'his prep cap came the story of his own blunder and the lesson he learned by it. He told it, "You know Bill Brown? He and I were invited for dinner at the home of one of the profs. During the meal the mother was called to the phone, and when she rose to go, Bill got up, too. Like a half wit I said, 'Bill, where are you going? They didn't call for you!' I didn't even know he was just using good manners. Maybe I didn't feel like a hole without the doughnut! Believe me, Miss Murphy, I can see now why mother used to wear herself out trying to make me have manners.

Buy Your Hat From Your Grocery Savings
( 2017-02-13) Ingersoll, Blanche ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Are your grocery bills satisfactory, or would you like to save more money and still buy more food? The problem of stretching a grocery bill is not always an easy one. In many cases it isn't a question of "what do you buy," but rather "how do you buy it"?

The Iowa Homemaker vol.2, no.5-6
( 2017-02-13) Lowe, Belle ; Ingersoll, Blanche ; Elder, Mildred ; Cox, Paul ; Paschal, Helen ; Wilson, Ruth ; Lord Murphy, Eda ; Beyer, Jeanette ; Murphy, Eleanor ; Wind, Opal ; Peterson, Helen ; Morris, Dorothy ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Table of Contents

Your Child Between the Bottle and School Age by Belle Lowe, page 1

Buy Your Hat From Your Grocery Savings by Blanche Ingersoll, page 2

Has Hosiery Become Your Hobby? by Mildred B. Elder, page 3

Pottery Making as a Community Work by Paul E. Cox, page 4

Fall Forecast for Children’s Frocks by Helen Paschal, page 5

“Ye Hatte Shoppe” As a Summer’s Occupation by Ruth Wilson, page 6

Will Courtesy Count in Your Child’s Career? by Eda Lord Murphy, page 7

Who’s There and Where by Jeanette Beyer, page 10

Card File Your Foreign Terms by Eleanor Murphy, page 10

Rival the Orient With Sealing Wax by Opal Wind, page 11

“Back to Natur”-ing With a Camp Kit by Helen T. Peterson, page 12

The Art of Outcasting Flies by Dorothy Morris, page 14

Has Hosiery Become Your Hobby?
( 2017-02-13) Elder, Mildred ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

All year long, when one pauses to remember that futures are bound to occur, the anticipation of a new wardrobe is a source of tingling wee thrills.

Fall Forecast for Children's Frocks
( 2017-02-13) Paschal, Helen ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

When my grandmother was a child, pantalettes were a necessary adjunct to every little frock. Sturdy little legs were covered almost to the ankles with lace-trimmed or beruffled pant legs. With the changing fashions, my mother wore no pantalettes but her little dresses were long coming half way from her knees to her ankles.
