Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 2, Issue 8

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Make Thanksgiving a Real Homecoming With a Dinner in Your Church
( 2017-02-14) Bailey, N. Beth ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Thanksgiving is a natural time to choose as Homecoming for the church or community center. The spirit of the Pilgrims was that of an overpowering thankfulness for the abundant harvest. They called tog.ether all the people of the village and even friendly Indians to celebrate with a banquet of venison, wild turkey, other game, vegetables, fruits, nuts, pies and puddings. Those who had much shared with the less fortunate, for they knew that the wonders of the harvest were not of man's making.

An Indian Romance
( 2017-02-14) Lerdall, Millie ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

"Where did you get that old arrowhead, Grandpa?" Were there Indians here when you first came? It's such a funny looking old thing." I marveled as I spoke. And so Grandpa, thus invited, told his story.

The Iowa Homemaker vol.2, no.8
( 2017-02-14) Bailey, N Beth ; Boyt, Mildred ; Jammer, Viola ; Gardner, Marion ; Beard, Juanita ; Heiner, Maida ; Turner, Marcia ; Goeppinger, Katherine ; Beyer, Jeanette ; Milligan, Opal ; Storm, Elizabeth ; Lerdall, Millie ; Murray, Eleanor ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Table of Contents

Make Thanksgiving a Real Homecoming With a Dinner in Your Church by N. Beth Bailey, page 1

Marie Reviews Fifth Avenue by Mildred Boyt, page 2

Art, As Frank Alvah Parsons Sees It by Viola Jammer, page 2

Costuming and Its Relation to the Individual by Marion B. Gardner, page 3

Painting the Fall and Winter Landscapes by Juanita Beard, page 4

“A Timely Thought Saves Nerves Distraught” by Maida Heiner, page 4

In the Light of Experience by Marcia E. Turner, page 5

Naming Canned Fruits by Katherine Goeppinger, page 5

Who’s There and Where by Jeanette Beyer, page 6

A Tea Room That is Different by Opal F. Milligan, page 7

Sour Milk and Its Uses by Elizabeth Storm, page 7

An Indian Romance by Millie Lerdall, page 10

The Song of Thanksgiving Pie by Eleanor Murray, page 13

Scarlet November by Eleanor Murray, page 14

Art, As Frank Alvah Parsons Sees It
( 2017-02-14) Jammer, Viola ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Frank Alvah Parsons, president of the New York School of Fine and Applied Arts, and one of this country's most recognized authorities on Interior Decoration and Costume Design, addressed Iowa State College students at two lectures, October 30 and November 2.

"A Timely Thought Saves Nerves Distraught"
( 2017-02-14) Heiner, Maida ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Time savers are almost indispensable in our busy lives and we look for shortcuts in everything. There are many small things which if considered when one is sewing will save a great deal of time and sometimes prove more satisfactory than more detailed methods.
