Journal Issue:
The Iowa Homemaker vol.14, no.4 The Iowa Homemaker: Volume 14, Issue 4

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From a Mammy's Kitchen
( 2017-05-16) Harms, Eva ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Way down south where the cotton grows and the negroes sing softly to the strummin' of a banjo-no food is as popular as chicken. Can't you see the old negro mammy getting dinner in the kitchen of a rambling southern house with the aroma of fried chicken, southern style, filling the room?

Spotlight Over Washington
( 2017-05-16) Hoppe, Alberta ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Columnist's note: The Homemaker has sent me, a reporter, to the top of Washington Monument, from which point of vantage, I train my spotlight on the city below and country roundabout, picking out the bits of Washington news of special interest to Home Economists.

Study and Study Hard
( 2017-05-16) Taylor, Betty ; Johnson, Rose ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

To make grades is one thing; how to make grades is quite another thing. There are a few select students at Iowa State who seemingly come by the honor roll-at least they make the roll consecutively each quarter. They make grades and here's how it is done:

Tricks of the Trade...
( 2017-05-16) Bartow, Delilah ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

Have you tried washing furniture? No matter how frequently one dusts, furniture acquires soil that can best be removed by washing with a soft cloth wrung out of warm suds.

Consumer Consciousness
( 2017-05-16) Apple, Barbara ; Iowa State University Digital Repository

"This whole business of giving bonuses for crop reduction is an extremely dangerous precedent," declares Miss Elizabeth Hoyt, professor of economics and home management.
